Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Time Flies!

Time flies - when you're busy!
Of course, when all you have to do is housework, suddenly time seems to stop and there are Hours and Hours in front of you. Waiting.

Let's see - took my daughter to the orthodentist and she's going to be fitted for braces in April. According to the x-rays we took, she has no wisdom teeth at all! How bizarre! The dentist said it was rare, but it happened. My son says it's mankind mutating - we don't need our wisdom teeth so they are getting phased out. Looking at most of what's happening now in the world (and who's leading us) I beg to differ.
My daughter was happy because this means no operation to remove the teeth.

I played some golf today (I know - hard life) but the weather is NOT going to hold, and it was positively Balmy and Gorgeous out, so hubby and I went to the driving range and whacked golf balls. I will suffer for this - I was at the gym this morning, lifted weights, and my arms are sore.

I did get my edits done for Merlin's Song (last edits after the proofreader - yay!) Got the blurb written, found an excerpt...It's all set to go!
I am adding about 5k to a novella I just submitted to a brand new publisher, so that's kind of exciting. It was accepted, and it's going to edits next week already, so I have to build the story up some more.

I am waiting for tomorrow to do the housework - the temperature is supposed to drop ten degrees C°, and it's going to rain for the next week or so. Argh - UGH! Here's where I go to check my weather:
I am a bit of a nerd with the weather station. I check the weather every day - and it's not like I can't look out the window, but I have to be able to plan ahead. I have to prepare myself. You have to understand I grew up in the tropics, and so weather was never an issue. It was hot, or hot and raining.
If you put the cursor on the map, you can find 'RĂ©gion Ile-de-France' which is the area I live in. If you click on that, it will pop up and you can then click on 'Departement Yvelines' and see the department I live on. Then if you move the cursor around, you can find Houdan and Mantes La Jolie, and you will know I live somewhere in between the two towns.
I also spend lots of time on the NOA site, looking at satelite pictures. I love Google Earth, and can procrastinate for Hours with that thing.
So what's your favorite procrastination?


Daisy Martin said...

My fav procrastination isn't an online one (although I have plenty of those). I am sooooo adicted to this game called Bejeweled. It is sort of like tetris was. There are different colored jewels and you have to get at least 3 in a row. 4 in a row is a super point and 5 in a row is a hyper cube. I play it at least 2 hours every day. I feel so guilty!

Bernita said...

Reading other people's blogs!

John Nez said...

Me too... my favorite diversion is reading blogs. Especially faraway blogs of places where I'll never visit in person.

I like Tetris too.. like oopsy daisy. Only the reason I like Tetris is I'm a compulsive mess cleaner upper. I always imagine Tetris to be sort of like I'm deep in debt and it's only through the application of ceaseless effort that I'm able to absolve the deficit and prosper.

I guess I'm good at doing dishes for the same reason... and sweeping & vacuuming. I always liked sweeping for some reason.



Anonymous said...

surfing the web
reading blogs