Monday, March 05, 2007

Moon over Montchauvet

I missed the eclipse, but not by much. This photo was taken Saturday night. I'd just gone to pick up my son from the fire station, and when I got out of the car I noticed the full moon. It was swathed in a light mist and hung just behind the church.
My husband saw the eclipse and said it was awesome.
Did anyone else see it?


Rhian said...

I had the neat experience of seeing it during an outdoor wedding celebration. Standing by a campfire, watching the moon eclipse. Now - that was awesome.

Daisy Martin said...

I forgot that we were having an eclipse, darn it. I remember reading about it in the paper the day before it occured though. Everytime there is an eclipse I am reminded of that Stephen King book Delores Clairborn. Opps, I have goosebumps on my arms now.

Bernita said...

Too cloudy here.
But saw one years ago that was spectacular.

Lightning said...

I didn't get to see the eclipse but I did get to see the moon rise bright orange as a result of it. Always a pleasure to see.