Monday, April 25, 2005

what is porn, mommy?

No, I haven't heard that yet from my daughter - but I expect I will someday. What should I reply? For me, it's best to refer to the dictionary. You want to know what a word means, dear, look it up. Pornography, material intended to tittilate and stimulate sexually. Well, that doesn't sound so bad, does it? Unfortunately, like the word 'religion', the word 'porn' seems to embrace a wide variety of ideas. Most people when they hear or read the word 'porn', see triple XXX's and raunchy, tasteless pictures of nekkid guys and girls (and why not some animals thrown in too?) Men, when they hear the word porn are more apt to grin than women, who will frown. So even your sex will decide how you interpret that word. But let's get back to the dictionary definition. What is the matter with it? Well, for one thing, it doesn't conjure up the soft porn world of women's erotica - in fact, to get that, you have to put the word 'soft' in front of it. When you put the word 'hard' in front of it, you get a whole new world, one that probably borders on the illegal in most states.
So what do I mean when I say, 'I write porn for women'? Well, as a woman, I have a different vision of porn than men. What titillates and excites me isn't going to work for a male audience. Women are more sensitive to atmosphere, to the story surrounding the sex, and - a vital point here - the reasons why the characters are having sex.
But there is sex in my books. Graphic, fun, sweaty, sticky, bouncy, (because as someone so deftly pointed out, turbulence can be a good thing) and did I say graphic? Yes. There is no doubt that taken out of context, my sex scenes would be rated X, or sometimes two X's, depending how many characters I have interested, lol. There are sex toys in my books, and the descriptions leave nothing to the imagination. My books are for adults, and I would be extremely uncomfortable thinking that underage girls and boys could get them; So I am grateful to my publishers who have ratings and strict warnings about that on their websites.
At any rate, when I say I write woman's porn I am not hating my work, as some sensitive souls have said. I am celebrating the real meaning of porn. The one in the dictionary. You should read it sometime.

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