Sunday, April 17, 2005

So many books

So little time!
I have a TBR pile a mile high - and I am in the middle of a really good book. I also just finished critquing a novella a friend wrote and I just loved it - she wrote it in first person, and I have to admit that I like that POV. When it's done well it draws the reader in. It's also unusual to have first person in romance and erotic romance novels, so it's refreshing when I find a book written that way. I also like to skip around in genres - reading romance, mystery, historical fiction and science fiction / fantasy books. Do most people like skipping around? Or do you stick with one favorite genre?


Jaynie said...

My Print TBR has about 500 books in it, and my ebook TBR is just as bad. I'm obsessed, I need to stop buying them lol.

Sam said...

Oh my!
Do you buy most, or do you get some to review too?
I admit I go to the library a lot, and my mom sends me books after she reads them, and I beg and borrow from friends, lol. I only buy about two books a month.

Wynn Bexton said...

Oh I'm so glad to find out that there are others out there with huge piles of TBR books! I am always embarassed about being so behind in my pleasure reading! I tend to read mostly historicals, which is the genre I write (I am currently fond of Steven Pressfield) but I also like a variety of others. Stuck right now, can't decide what I want to read next and I have a wide variety to choose from.

Sam said...

Hi Wynn,
Have you read 'The Crimson Petal and the White'? I thought it was very interesting - and the POV was highly unusual. (A hard POV to pull off, but the author did it brilliantly.)

Wynn Bexton said...

Who is the author of the Crimson Petal? Sounds interesting. (I'm still trying to find "Gates of Fire" by Steve Pressfield.)

Sam said...

Michel Faber wrote it. It's written in narrative form (I've heard it called it 2nd person pov) so at first it's a bit odd, but it soon pulls you in, and you find yourself absolutely enthralled.