Saturday, May 28, 2005


I just posted a wonderful, witty post about my new rage, SuDoku. Unfortunately, the gods of the blog have decided to drive me crazy, and so I hit the wrong button thus destroying my excellent post.
In all fairness, the gods probably didn't have a lot to do with it. I just got done mowing the lawn, and my hands are kind of numb because of the vibration of the lawn mower so it's hard to type. But I had to tell everyone about SuDoku, a Japonese numbers game. It's a lot of fun, it's tricky, and it takes both logic and creative thinking. So far I've done five, goofed two, and finished three, including a 'hard' one. :-)
Above is a link to get you started on this relaxing (but time consuming & surprisingly addictive) game.
Have Fun!

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