Saturday, February 24, 2007

Rainy day news

I woke up to the sound of rain pounding on the roof. Gusts of wind made the shutters rattle. I grabbed a coffee and worked out with Gilad - my personal trainer.
I should add he's on a DVD and he works out on a beach with a steel drum band. A great way to start the day.
My daughter came down and criticised my style. Then my son came down, took one look at my red, sweaty face, and decided that he had work to do up in his room.
Afterward I took a shower, caught up with e-mails and news, and then took the day off. My daughter and I went out to lunch and went to a movie (Charlotte's Web - very sweet) and then we went shopping. Euro-Dif had a 60% off sale - I got flower-power curtains for my kitchen, a striped tablecloth to match, and my daughter got a tee-shirt and a jean skirt. The kitchen is now Kitch, as my daughter says, with the red, orange, pink and blue flowered curtains (daisies, of course!) and the same colored striped catch-all on the counter.

It is still dark and rainy out, and the curtains make the room look brighter.
Another bright spot is Auguste in his head scarf. My daughter put it on him, and I couldn't resist taking his picture!
Have a Great weekend!


Erin the Innocent said...

I love the photos :) It sounds like you had a good day Sam


Bernita said...

Very retro, very happy, Sam.