Friday, October 07, 2005

Out, out, damned Spot!

I played Lady Macbeth in our school play, and I loved it. But whenever I think of that line I think of that cartoon with the dog named Spot...anyone see that?
Anyhow, I finally caved in and set my comments section to word verification. My humble apologies to the hurried and dyslexic out there. I know I have to type the damn thing at least twice to get it right - and it keeps changing every time, but sometimes it goes from Lots of letters to very few...
So there I was as Lady Macbeth, coming down the stairs in the darkened theater, rubbing my hands together and bewailing the blood - when the window that had been hung on the wall (to make the stage look like a big castle) comes crashing down at my feet. I didn't miss a line. I stepped over the window, ignored the titters from the audience, and said, 'They just don't make these Scottish castles like they used to," before continuing my speech.


Daisy Dexter Dobbs said...

Oh, very smooth, Sam! I wouldn’t have had that presence of mind under the same circumstances, I assure you! ;-)

Wynn Bexton said...

And nary a spot of blood? How cool!

Sam said...

No blood, lol - I was supposed to be sleepwalking. But when I said that the titters turned to guffaws and I could have messed up my next ten lines - nobody heard me. *sigh*
The life of a drama queen is SO hard.

Karen Scott said...

See Sam, I knew you would succumb eventually!!

I used to watch the cartoon with Spot in it!!