Monday, June 06, 2005

To join or Not to Join

That is the question.
I've joined the new RWA chapter for erotic romance. It's a great place to be - nobody has a hissy fit when you mention the word porn, and everyone is working together to try to bring erotic romance into the respected world of women's fiction. I do like the new chapter, but I'm not crazy about being part of RWA. Why? Well, for one thing, they don't seem to really want erotica to be a part of their group. You have to understand that erotica encompasses a huge array of genres and writing, just as romance does. Some is midly erotic, while some is so hot it scorches your eyeballs. Some writers proudly proclaim they write smut, while others will only owe up to writing 'erotic romance', and still others (you know who) think they write porn for women. So, it will be interesting to see behind which banner the chapter will march. They've called it Passionate Ink - because apparently RWA won't accept a chapter with the word erotic in it. To me, this is called 'getting off on the wrong foot'. We write romance but it is so explicite that it's rated R or even X, and it's for the Over 18 crowd. If the RWA accepts us, it will have to do so on those terms. Sugar-coating won't work. Another idea would be to make a whole new organization - Erotica Writers of America (EWA) instead of RWA. It makes sense when you think of the Horror writers' association, the sci-fi and fantasy org. and the Children's writer's association - each of which is very helpful. (I belong to several writing orgs and they can be helpful)
At any rate, I will be happy to join the RWA as soon as they show they are happy to have me join - until then, I will continue to support my new chapter and look forward to seeing what happens in the wonderfully wild world of romance writing.

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