Thursday, June 04, 2009


Here's one reply to an article that the NY Times will probably never print...

Cubans with their free healthcare and education don't need lessons from the US about how to take care of their own. And as far as political prisoners - can you say Guatanamo? I think the problem is that the plutarchy that constitutes the US government is deadly frightened of a system that will enable everyone to live in comfort and dignity. Cuba is the nightmare of every huge conglomerate that skims money from the poor and redistributes to the rich, every system that relies on elitism to survive (college or healthcare, anyone?), and every government that controls its people through poverty, prison, and guns.


Charles Gramlich said...

I've heard a lot of different stories about Cuba, but I was there working with the Cuban refugees of the Freedom Flotilla when they came over. I worked with them for a couple of years. There were stories that would make your hair curl. Unbelievable scar patterns from people who had been in prison there, and mental illnesses completely untreated. It did not dispose me all that well toward the Cuban government.

Charles Gramlich said...

Not that any government is perfect of course. I tend to be suspicous of all governments.

Jennifer Macaire said...

My grandmother was Cuban - she never had anything bad to say against Castro - and if you go to the prisons in the US, you'll find people with mental illnesses that are untreated, and scars on their bodies too.

Charles Gramlich said...

Jennifer, I wasn't saying that you wouldn't find such things in the US prisons. I'm saying that governments in general are not typically angelic. we all have our experiences and impressions. I've also been friends with two different Cuban professors at Xavier who had many, many bad things to say about Castro. I suspect the truth lies somewhere in the middle of Castro is an angel or Castro is a devil.