Monday, January 05, 2009


It's snowing today - there are 3 inches of snow on the ground, and traffic has pretty much ground to a halt in this area. I tried to take my son Seb to the train station, but at the top of the hill a truck had slid across the road and blocked it, so I went back. My husband had to go to Paris, so he left early and took Seb. It's mid-term exams, and Seb had to get to the university for his first exam. I am wondering if he shuold stay in Paris tonight if he has more tomorrow - the forecast is for more snow.

Since it rarely snows here, the back roads don't get salted. Everything is quite slippery. I had to go shopping and drove Very Slowly, and only saw about three other cars on the road - everyone going Very Slowly.
Our village streets are salted, which is good, as we live on a steep hill. If the snow gets too deep, there is no way in or out. As I write this, the snow has stopped, which is probably for the best. Three inches of snow is about all we can handle. But in the Alps it's a different story. Here are pictures of number two son on his Christmas vacation trip! (Lucky guy!)


Charles Gramlich said...

It's not the snow, it's the driving in it that's the problem. Be careful.

PJD said...

I think you saw my snow pictures of Vermont. Glad to hear you got your own. Cold without snow is frustrating. Snow without cold... wait, I guess that doesn't really happen, does it?

Daisy Martin said...

You are lucky, you are getting the snow. We are getting an ice storm tommor (so they say) and then maybe snow on Wednesday. I'm not a fan of the ice storm (hey, wasn't that a movie?)

John Nez said...

I'm so glad you got some snow finally. Me, I've had my fill for a year or so... it does have it's drawbacks once the novelty wears off. (little things like traction come in handy in day to day life).

Wild boars! How exciting... it's nice to know such primal things as hunting wild boars is still done in the wilds of europe. Must be something....

Glad to see the oven and washing machine are behaving themselves.


Bobbie (Sunny) Cole said...

again, I love looking at your photos and reading your blog...

the shots of the Alps, dogs, son, town...loved 'em.

happy new year, my friend.

Gabriele Campbell said...

Lol, it's the same here. Plus we get lots of idiot drivers who can't even deal with salted roads. The moment they see a snowflake coming down, the panic and cuase traffic jam. :)