Monday, October 06, 2008

Writing a Hot Scene with a Cold

Sometimes I don't feel so hot. I don't feel like writing hot. But there's a book to finish. And the hero and heroine are there, in place, (picture a book as a movie set) and the producer (the author) yells "Roll 'em!"... and the scene starts to unfold.

So here I am, sitting at my desk, a flannel blanket over my shoulders, a steaming hot tea by the keyboard, stuffed with aspirin and sucking a sore throat pill.
I'm writing, "They touch, he slides his hands along her cheeks, grasps her jaw, turns her face to his. She resists, then their eyes meet. He leans over. Their lips touch..."
And I sneeze.
I picture the woman kissing the man and then sneezing.
The moment is gone.
I start over. This time I get as far as his lips trailing down her neck, and he breathes in her scent. (and all I can smell is my camphor rub)
I try to imagine something more romantic than camphor. Jasmin. The old standby. She smells of jasmin. A delicate, sweet scent. He sighs and buries his face in her neck, her hair tickles his skin.

I sneeze again.
Damn it. I take a swig of hot tea. Blow my nose. Glare at the keyboard. The hero is getting slightly annoyed. The heroine is about to fall asleep. I realize I've been sitting here staring at the keyboard for a long time. My tea is cold. I sigh and start over.

Hands sliding over hot skin.(I have a fever)Sweat pearling on brows. (That too is easy to imagine. But the fever is making me slightly loopy. I keep imagining the hero putting cool hands on the heroine's burning forehead. I can only write it once though. Besides, she's supposed to be hot, not feverish, and feverish with desire, not with the flu.
I sigh. (sneeze) and start again.

By now my eyes are watering and I've finished a whole box of tissues.
By now I realize I will not be able to finish my sex scene.
I must get rid my my cold in order to write hot.
Sometimes, you just have to wait.
As my husband is fond of saying, "waiting is half the pleasure."

My hands fly over the keyboard.
The heroine pushed the hero firmly away. "Not tonight darling," she said. "But don't worry. The wait will definitely be worth it."

I sneeze.


Charles Gramlich said...

LOL. Well at least you were able to write a funny scene.

Travis Erwin said...

A little sexual tension can be just as good. Hope you feel better soon.

Unknown said...

LOL! I was going to start by saying how could you even try writing when you're all bunged up with cold - but a sex scene on top of it? Atishoo! No, that has to be non-starter! :-)

Hope you feel much better soon.

Seeley deBorn said...

You poor thing! I hope you feel better and get through your scene soon. :)

heather said...

at least you were able to make a funny post out of it! hope you feel better soon. :)

Gabriele Campbell said...

Gesundheit. :)

Lol, that was funny. Works with fighting scenes as well - don't try and have your hero wade through a forest of enemies when every other swing of his blade goes awry because ... acheeee.

Rosie said...

Awww... Sorry you're sick Sam. Your imagery reminded me of Miss Adelaide's song in GUYS AND DOLLS. Ah-choo! A poy-sun can de-vell-op a cold...

Wynn Bexton said...

Take care and get rid of that nasty cold.
I've been procrastinating lately as I have to kill off three characters who I'm rather fond of. But...the deed has to be done before I can progress...I'd much rather be writing a sexy love scene.

Daisy Martin said...

I loved it! Now if it were Darla Valentine, when she sneezed she would have accidently shifted her bottom and landed on an --ahem-- appendage, if ya know what I mean. and it would have been on, each sneeze making it easier and easier to write that scene. LOL. Get rid of that cold soon kiddo.

Kate said...

so? how are you??????

Anonymous said...

LOL Thanks for that :) I hope you're feeling better real soon Sam

debra said...

thanks for making me smile, Sam. I have the crud now, too :-(

Wynn Bexton said...

well Sam, I certainly hope you are feeling better by now and get those two into their hot clinche without sneezing and spoiling it. I've been absent too because I'm so darn busy with classes and other stuff. Will be glad when the pace slows down.