Sunday, December 11, 2005

Happiness is a new puppy

Today we went to get our new puppy, AUGUSTE (you say it Oh-Goosed) LOL, a 10 wk old
wire-haired dachhund. He's feeling a bit out of place right now. He explored the house, and has made friends with RUSTY, our chocolate Lab, but he is homesick, and if we leave him alone, he cries. (So my daughter is staying with him until he falls asleep.) He was the fattest, fuzziest puppy in the litter, and he has a very calm, freindly personality. We all adore him. (Especially Rusty, who never wanted to be an 'only dog'.)
Rusty's bed is in the kitchen, in the fireplace (that is blocked up and never worked), and she is happy to share her bed with Auguste. I ran out and bought lots of paper towels - Mr. Auguste had a couple 'accidents' since he's been here. Luckily I don't have any rugs - only old tiles - and I use white vinegar to clean with - it takes odors away.


Daisy Dexter Dobbs said...

Oh what a little cutie, Sam! And I love the distinguished name. :-D How did you decide on Auguste?

Sam said...

It was the year of 'A', so all the dogs born this year have their name starting with 'A'.
The kids and I made a list and voted.
Auguste won!

Unknown said...

Auguste is adorable--but then so is Rusty! I love dogs, but unfortunately my husband is allergic to them... so all I can do is look and long for them...

Wynn Bexton said...

Ah...cute doggies! I have always been a dog lover, used to breed and show Yorkies and have had many other dogs but now, alas, I live in an apartment. No four-legged friends allowed. So I have a Cheeky bird instead!

Sam said...

Chey - three dogs! I've only ever had one, so this is a new experience for me, lol.
And Ann, I can't imagine not having at least one dog, I've always had dogs around, and thankfully we're not allergic in the family, although when my son was little, we were afraid the dog was causing his asthma for a while...thank goodness tests provbed otherwise.
And Wynn, little Cheeky sounds like excellent company - and I bet he doesn't pee all over, like Mr. Auguste. (Ahem, yes, I'm talking to you little puppy, don't give me that innocent look!)