Thursday, August 27, 2009

Leave Honey on Your Skin

A while ago, my short story Leave Honey on Your Skin was made into a short animated film -
We've officially gotten past all the Do Not Post deadlines.
Post post post away to your heart's content!

Here is the link:


Charles Gramlich said...

How cool. I'll check it out. Congrats!

Charles Gramlich said...

That was really lovely. I loved the line at the end about making sure your horse can carry double.

John Nez said...


That was really wonderful. It's great how you tied it all together in the writing so simply.

I liked how it worked visually like Balinese shadow puppets and the music was just perfect... very exotic.

Move over Disney!


Sam said...

thanks so much!

Terri G said...

Better late than never, but I finally got around to watching it. I lpved it! What a beautiful film!!! The story was so wonderful! Awesome job Jenn!